Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Keychains, Keychains!!

I got this idea from FB of all places, when I saw a pic for an owl keychain!!  I haven't made that yet, but as soon as I saw the Flip Flop keychain, I had to make it!!  I found the pattern on ravelry... HERE it is if you want to make one yourself!!  It is quick and easy, and I added some beads to brighten it up!!
I have added them on my Etsy store, so make you go and favorite my page when you're able!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Some changes...

I made some changes to the blog... I've been playing around and wanting to get more traffic coming and checking my stuff out...

So... I've created a button for people to take to put on their blogs, and I've also made it so people can follow me.  I'm pretty proud of myself as I created the button myself.  I love it when I learn new things!!

Make sure you follow me, and also, favorite my store on Etsy, as I also added a badge and link for that as well!!